The Future of Combat  

Posted by Jeremy Tarbush in , , , , , , , , ,

The AR-15 Rifle (being used as the M-16 rifle and the M-4 Carbine) has been used as the primary combat and service rifle since before Vietnam. Well, being a former Army Infantryman, I've used the M-4 Carbine in Combat. It's an effective weapon, except for all the damned cleaning. I've heard of tests with weapons based on the AK-47 where they were buried in the sand removed, dusted off and fired without fail.
Well, the XM-29 was the newest improvement, made to not fire with failure so often (like the M-16/4). It was deemed to be too heavy for combat, so it was split into the XM-25 and the XM-8.
The XM-8 was pulled out of testing before fielding. I really cannot find out why.
The XM-25 is ready for combat testing later this year and it is the future of combat if it doesn't meet the same fate as the XM-8. It is made to fire around corners with a round that explodes in air. Read more about it here:

Strong AI: The possibility or Destruction.  

Posted by Jeremy Tarbush in , , , , , ,

Well, what do you think of the possibility of Strong AI taking us all over? I think it highly unlikely as long as inventors remembering the three laws of robotics. I think it more likely that a insect-like nanobot form some kind of "Grey-Goo". But still, as long as we remember Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics in our engineering, we should be fine.

I found an article today that says scientist believe we should have nothing to fear, and I will end by quoting the entire thing here. It seems to talk some about the Terminator: Salvation movie. I haven't seen it, but the previews looked awesome. Anyway, here you go:

Despite 'Terminator,' machines still on our side: Scientists say AI will be humanity's 'Salvation'

Big Brother and the Great Firewall of China  

Posted by Jeremy Tarbush in , , , , , ,

As the Editor-in-Chief and publisher of, I scour through a lot of computer and technology news. It is important to me to convey to the Hacker world what is going on so they can be better prepared for the future.
This helps me to be the best Futurist that I can be.
Basically, I see more restrictions coming our way. Australia and Iraq, as well as China see large Censorship "walls", such as the Great Firewall of China.
This should be fought tooth and nail by everyone that believe in Human Rights.
Big Brother is watching us all and wants to take our internet.

Just think about setting up a Tor relay for the poor guys in China, Australia, Iran, and elsewhere that cannot use the Internet for legitimate reasons.
Protest to your Congressman and Senator.
You can make a difference.

You want your kid Blue and Blonde? Or what?  

Posted by Jeremy Tarbush

So, Eugenics is a path that is being talked widely about with the study of Human Cloning for traits to the study of Human Cloning for health. So, what is Eugenics? Wikipedia says the word eugenics derives from the Greek word eu (good or well) and the suffix -genēs (born), and was coined by Sir Francis Galton in 1883, who defined it as "the study of all agencies under human control which can improve or impair the racial quality of future generations".[22]
That sounds like it even includes the study of plant "unnatural selection", as in breeding for traits like more vitamins or different colors that lead to a higher quantity of carotenes inside. Monsanto has been a company that I have long supported. I even wrote a eZine article supported by Biotechnology Organizations a few years back, which can be read at the bottom here:
I see nothing wrong with Eugenics. As long as we aren't killing babies or hurting people that choose not to be under other traits. I believe that people's "desired" traits will be so varied that there variety will remain.

The Coming Technological Singularity  

Posted by Jeremy Tarbush

I bought a book, solely based on the cover and its use of the word 'AI' on the cover. It was Ray Kurzweil's The Singularity is Near. I read this two years ago, but it has been a book that seems to have impacted a lot of techies, including the readers of Wired Magazine.
The Vingean Singularity is the idea that technology has progressed at the rate of Moore's Law since the beginning of history. It continues that it will continue that way until technology increases exponentially instantaneously. This will be the Technological Singularity.
Ray Kurzweill and Victor Vinge are the biggest proponents of this "law". I can truly see this happening, though I believe that Moore's Law is slowing down because of Heat Transfer.
Proponents believe that the first person to live to be one thousand years is about 60 today.
What do you think of this? I think that it could truly happen and will lead us to the Gibsonian world of Cyberpunk.

15 Minutes of Fame  

Posted by Jeremy Tarbush in , , , , ,

It's been said (and I believe it was Andy Warhol), that in the future, we'd all have our fifteen minutes of fame. The future is now. And with Web2.0, we can grab it. My son just started early. I'll relate the story.
My son left a message on my cellphone (and I quote): "Dad, Can you make me a web page just like iCarly. I love you, bye." I couldn't help but laugh. 1) I am only an elementary web scripter and programmer and 2) I am not that dedicated.
So, we compromised. And made him "just a website". And his googlepage began. Here's what I've made for him so far. He found a couple of errors. One spelling and one a image link went down (since I have locally hosted the image).
I submit it for your approval and wonder what you think about the nature of our fifteen minutes and the nature of my son wanting his at seven. ;)

Working definition of Our Theme  

Posted by Jeremy Tarbush in , , , ,

Well, since I defined that our theme was links and pics that show we're going down the road to a Cyberpunk world, I guess (for some of you) I need to define what Cyberpunk is.

From the definition of Cyberpunk is Fast-paced science fiction involving futuristic computer-based societies. That is the definition of Cyberpunk world that I am working with.

There are other definitions as to what a Cyberpunk is. For example, A futuristic, online delinquent: breaking into computer systems; surviving by high-tech wits. The term comes from science fiction novels such as "Neuromancer" and "Shockwave Rider." See steampunk. I have heard of "never trusting anyone that describes themselves as a Cyberpunk". That just makes me think of never trusting anyone that describes themselves as a hacker. Hackers are not all bad people, and I am a self-(and other)described hacker.

I would read the rest of the page at and follow some of the links for a good read. It describes Japan and Sony Center in Berlin as Real Life Cyberpunk.

I hope we have ironed out some of our definition and can get more to the meat and taters, but we could spend the rest of our life deciding what Cyberpunk, Steampunk, and Clockpunk mean.

On Engrish  

Posted by Jeremy Tarbush in , , , ,

I've always been a fan of constructed languages. I got into the whole Klingon(ese) kick when I was in middle school. Yeah, I can still say "What are you doing?" (A greeting) and "Revenge is a dish which is best served cold!" in Klingon. I even am trying to learn Esperanto, which is an English-Portuguese mix or sorts.
Well, today, I ran into Engrish. It's when people who natively speak Japanese use signage in English. It turns into a clusterf*$&. Believe me. It's bad. I'll just refer you to the site.
Well, how was that? It's so William Gibson, that I can't stand myself. It's like the whole world moved to Greater Hong Kong. This is exactly the reason I love reading fortune cookies.

Hello, World!!!  

Posted by Jeremy Tarbush in , , , ,

Hi. My name is Jeremiah Grymstone. That is a pseudonym. I don't mind being known by my real name, but just to give me a shade of privacy, I prefer to go by Grym, Jeremy, or Grymstone. If you want to know my real name, we'll work on that. I am Web2.0 conscious, so I twitter under the name Grymstone, my MySpace is, I Digg under Cheer10sadmin, and my facebook will remain on my real name, William Tarbush.
Anyway, there isn't much to be known about me. I am a disabled United States Army Infantryman. I don't work, but am a full time patient at the Veterans Hospital in Tucson.
Anything else??? We'll get to that, too.
This blog will mainly be a link and photo blog about the future. I see it mainly leaning toward Cyberpunk fiction (William Gibson, Neal Stephenson, etc.), but others will be welcome.
I hope to post often, but I'm also the administrator of where I blog and post news links, so if I get busy, don't worry your pretty little heads. There's more coming.
Thanks, and keep reading.