The upcoming DSM-V
Posted by Jeremy Tarbush in DSM-V, gender, homosexuality, illness, medication, sexualiy
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is putting out its newest version (DSM-V) by May 2012. I am a mental health consumer, and I think this could finally bring some resolution to many of the problems that are going on in Mental Health at the moment. A paradigm change, if you will. Is homosexuality nature or nurture? Or a disease? It was in the DSM at one version or the other. This is a very important book and will define many of our buzzwords for the next 20 years or so. It may not be a big change, but the Talking Heads and the Newspapers will have to change their tunes. This is very exciting and could lead to more (or less) disabiity payouts. More or less medication perscriptions. And more or less people called "jerks" instead of "ill".
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