You want your kid Blue and Blonde? Or what?  

Posted by Jeremy Tarbush

So, Eugenics is a path that is being talked widely about with the study of Human Cloning for traits to the study of Human Cloning for health. So, what is Eugenics? Wikipedia says the word eugenics derives from the Greek word eu (good or well) and the suffix -genēs (born), and was coined by Sir Francis Galton in 1883, who defined it as "the study of all agencies under human control which can improve or impair the racial quality of future generations".[22]
That sounds like it even includes the study of plant "unnatural selection", as in breeding for traits like more vitamins or different colors that lead to a higher quantity of carotenes inside. Monsanto has been a company that I have long supported. I even wrote a eZine article supported by Biotechnology Organizations a few years back, which can be read at the bottom here:
I see nothing wrong with Eugenics. As long as we aren't killing babies or hurting people that choose not to be under other traits. I believe that people's "desired" traits will be so varied that there variety will remain.


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